LaundryLounge is proud to offer Colorado Springs multiple laundromats that are designed to provide you with the best laundry services in the area, with multiple sized washers and dryers to accommodate a variety of laundry load sizes. Visit one of our three Colorado Springs laundromats today!
We’re gonna look at a few simple but helpful tips to help your laundry day go smoothly. Read on to learn more!
Don’t Overfill The Machines
Clothes need room to circulate in the washer to be properly cleaned, and if your machine is overfilled, the chances of each article getting a solid cleaning is pretty slim. A great way to ensure that your clothes, towels, bedding, and other articles are getting a thorough cleaning is to make sure that you don’t overfill the machines. The best way to do this is to either break up large loads into two or three smaller ones or use a larger machine that is designed to accommodate a larger load of laundry.
Not only will this provide you with the cleanest laundry possible, but it will also help you in terms of drying! People sometimes have the tendency to overfill the dryers as well, which can bring a whole separate set of issues for you. The added weight of extra laundry makes it harder for your clothes to circulate, causing drying times to be longer, but doing this can also cause the dryers to break down and, in some cases, singe your laundry. This is something that often happens to bedspreads that are larger than the normal-sized washers. Use the proper sized washers and dryers for larger items, and if you have any questions, just ask!
Sort Your Laundry Correctly
While this may be a simple tip, it’s something that many people have a tendency to either ignore or forget. Few things are as frustrating as finding out that your favorite white top is now pink, orange, or green. This is almost always caused by a stray brightly colored article finding its way into your all-white laundry coupled with hotter water. The heat makes your brightly colored article run into your whites, and before you know it, your entire load of laundry is partly or entirely ruined.
The best way to avoid this is simple — separate whites from colors and darks from lights washing accordingly. Following these simple steps will ensure that your laundry will continue to look great, wash after wash.
Check Your Clothes For Stray Items
A great thing to make a habit of this is to check your clothes for stray items before throwing them into the washing machine. All it takes is a tube of lip balm or a forgotten pen to ruin your laundry. When sorting your laundry, check all pockets to make sure that there are no stray items in them. It’s a short step that takes little time, and you’ll be thankful you did.
Those are just a few helpful tips for doing laundry that will help laundry day be easy and free of issues. At LaundryLounge, our laundromats in Colorado Springs are equipped with top-of-the-line commercial laundry machines, designed to help you wash and dry your clothes efficiently. Whether you’re looking to do just a single load of laundry or several large loads, LaundryLounge aims to be your go-to laundromat in Colorado Springs. Visit us today!