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How to Save Money When Doing Laundry

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Laundry day is a necessary evil. If you have a large family, this can become a very expensive chore. However, it doesn’t have to be as expensive as you’re used to. Here are a few tips on how to save money at the laundromat.

Only Wash Full Loads

A lot of times it isn’t necessary to wash everything on laundry day. Don’t wash small loads with less than ten clothing items. It’s a waste of water, time, and money to wash anything but a full load. To help you get more full loads regularly, consider adjusting what consists of each load. 

Only Include Dirty Clothes

Don’t wash clothes that you’ve only worn once and aren’t really dirty. Plus, washing your clothes too often can cause them to fade more quickly. It’s best practice not to wash your clothes after one wearing.

Don’t Separate Your Clothes

Plenty of people have no problem washing colors with darks or whites for that matter. A lot of this boils down to your water temperature, but it really isn’t essential to always separate every load. Save money by washing fewer, larger loads.

At LaundryLounge, we have washing machines ranging from 20 to 80 pounds, and both 30 and 50-pound dryers. We can easily handle any sized loads that you may have. If you’re going big, don’t go home — come to LaundryLounge in Colorado Springs!

Save on Dryer Time

Most dryers at laundromats are paid for by time. You can save money by not over-drying your clothes. Hang things that either don’t need to be dried like blouses, or things that take longer to dry, like bedding. Lighter items won’t take as long as heavier ones. Start by drying light items, then add quarters as needed for heavier items that require more time.

Our cost-efficient dryers start at only $0.25 for each dryer size. Our 30-pound dryer cycles are 7-8 minutes, and our 50-pound dryers are 6-7 minute cycles.

Find Reward Programs or Discount Days

If you’re loyal to one favorite laundromat, ask about reward programs or discount days. Sometimes, more expensive self-service laundromats are the only ones who will offer these programs, but remember that it will save you money overall. 

At LaundryLounge, we have two discounted days to help you maximize on laundry day. Big Time Tuesday is $3.00 for 40 lb washers, saving you $2.25 per load! On Washing Wednesday, our 20 lb washers only cost $1, compared to our regular price of $2.75. Start washing your clothes with us in Colorado Springs for major savings!

Bring Your Own Cleaning Products

Coming prepared to a self-service laundromat is one of the easiest ways to save money. Don’t spend extra money buying the overpriced detergents or dryer sheets available at the laundromat. Bringing your own cleaning products will not only save you money but will prevent you from having any sort of reaction to unknown products. 

As you’re selecting laundry products, consider opting for generic brands to save money. If you have sensitive skin, this can be a risky alternative, but a lot of times you don’t need a brand-name detergent for soft, nicely scented clothing.

We are Your Premier Local Laundromat!

LaundryLounge in Colorado Springs proudly offers affordable self-service machines, as well as wash and fold laundry services. We are dedicated to providing quality laundry services at low rates. View all of our services and prices, or find a location near you for your next laundry day!